program radial3 print*, " " print*, " " print*, "------------------------------------------------------" print*, " " print*, " Welcome to Jamie's " print*, " FABULOUS RADIAL VELOCITY PROGRAM! " print*, " " print*, " This program calculates the radial velocities of " print*, " both stars in a binary system, allowing for user " print*, " configuration of stellar masses, semimajor axis, " print*, " inclination of orbital plane, orbital eccentricity, " print*, " time to collect data, and calculation frequency. " print*, " " print*, " For your convenience, default values have been" print*, " added to the program, so you can run it with" print*, " nothing other than variable eccentricity, if you like." print*, " " print*, " This program is free, but donations are welcome. :)" print*, " " print*, " Have fun!" print*, " " print*, "------------------------------------------------------" print*, " " 10 print*, " " print*, "Would you like to accept this program's default values" print*, "or run a custom configuration?" print*, "" print*, " 1 - Accept Default Values" print*, " 2 - Custom Configuration" print*, " " read*, cust print*, " " print*, " " c c DEFAULT VALUES: c pi = 3.141592654 units = 4.74017744 wt1 = 0.5 wt2 = 2.0 axis = 2.0 yrs = 5 q = 4 tilt = 30 what2chg = 0 c if (cust.eq.1) goto 70 20 print*, "STELLAR MASSES ..." print*, " " print*, " How massive would you like your stars to be?" print*, " (In Solar Masses)" print*, " " print*, "Star 1:" read*, wt1 print*, "Star 2:" read*, wt2 print*, " " print*, " " if (what2chg.eq.1) goto 80 30 print*, "SEMIMAJOR AXIS ..." print*, " " print*, " Please specify a semimajor axis. (In AU)" print*, " " read*, axis print*, " " print*, " " if (what2chg.eq.2) goto 80 40 print*, "ORBITAL INCLINATION ..." print*, " " print*, " How far would you like your orbital plane to" print*, " be inclined? (degrees)" print*, " " read*, tilt print*, " " print*, " " if (what2chg.eq.3) goto 80 50 print*, "LENGTH OF TIME FOR WHICH TO CALCULATE ... " print*, " " print*, " For how many years would you like to watch?" print*, " " read*, yrs print*, " " print*, " " if (what2chg.eq.4) goto 80 60 print*, "FREQUENCY OF CALCULATIONS ..." print*, " " print*, " How many times per year should I calculate?" print*, " " read*, q if (what2chg.eq.5) goto 80 print*, " " print*, " " 70 print*, "ORBITAL ECCENTRICITY ..." print*, " " print*, " Please enter an orbital eccentricity." print*, " (Must be less than 1. Use 0 for circular orbit.)" print*, " " read*, ecc print*, " " 80 print*, " " c c COMPUTE axrat, A1, A2, and SEE c axrat = wt1/wt2 ax1 = axis/(1+axrat) ax2 = (axis*axrat)/(1+axrat) see = 1/q tilt = (6.283185/360)*tilt c print*, "Here are the values you have chosen:" print*, " " print*, "-------------------------------------------------------" print*, " Mass of star 1: ",wt1," Solar Masses" print*, " Mass of star 2: ",wt2," Solar Masses" print*, " " print*, " Semimajor axis: ",axis," AU" print*, " for star1: ",ax1," AU" print*, " for star2: ",ax2," AU" print*, " " print*, " Orbital Eccentricity: ",ecc print*, " Orbital Inclination: ",tilt print*, " " print*, " sin(tilt) = ",sin(tilt) print*, " " print*, " Time to watch: ",yrs," yrs" print*, " ",q," times per year" print*, "-------------------------------------------------------" print*, " " print*, "Are these values OK?" print*, " " print*, " 1 - These are good, calculate!" print*, " 2 - I want to change something." print*, " " read*, change print*, " " if (change.eq.2) then print*, " " print*, "What would you like to change?" print*, " " print*, " 1 - Stellar Masses" print*, " 2 - Semimajor Axis" print*, " 3 - Orbital Inclination" print*, " 4 - Time to Watch" print*, " 5 - Frequency of Calculation" print*, " 6 - Orbital Eccentricity" print*, " 7 - Everything" print*, " 0 - Nothing, I lied. Calculate!" print*, " " read*, what2chg print*, " " print*, " " if (what2chg.eq.1) goto 20 if (what2chg.eq.2) goto 30 if (what2chg.eq.3) goto 40 if (what2chg.eq.4) goto 50 if (what2chg.eq.5) goto 60 if (what2chg.eq.6) goto 70 if (what2chg.eq.7) goto 10 endif what2chg = 0 print*, "Processing input, calculating velocities ... please wait." print*, " " print*, " " print*, " Time (yrs) V1r (km/s) V2r (km/s) theta (deg)" print*, "==========================================================" c c CALCULATE THE VELOCITIES c do p=0.00, yrs, see theta = 2*pi*(axis**(-3/2))*p tht = 360*(axis**(-3/2))*p top = 2*pi*ax1*(1-(ecc**2))*(sin(tilt))*units bot = (axis**(3/2))*(1+(ecc*(cos(theta)))) v1r = (top*(cos(theta)))/bot v2r = (top*axrat*(cos(theta+pi)))/bot c debugging print*, top," ",brt," ",bot print*, " ",p," ",v1r," ",v2r," ",tht enddo print*, "===========================================================" print*, " " print*, " " print*, " Would you like to play again?" print*, " " print*, " 1 - Yes, this was fun! Do it again!" print*, " 2 - No, it was lame. I want to leave." print*, " " read*, play if (play.eq.1) goto 10 print*, " " print*, " " print*, "Thanks for using Jamie's Fabulous Radial Velocity Program!" print*, " " print*, "Send questions, comments, money, food, clothing, books," print*, "or anything else to:" print*, " " print*, "Bye!" print*, " " print*, " " end