// Example of program using root code // by P. Gutierrez // Root stuff #include #include #include #include "TH2.h" #include "root_template.hpp" TFile *rootFile; TTree *BTree; RBJPSI Rjpsi; RBK0 Rk0; int main(){ // Main program bookRoot(); // Fill variables Rjpsi.run = xxx; Rjpsi.evt = yyy; Rjpsi.Mass = zzz; for (int iLoop=0; iLoop<10000; iLoop++){ Rk0.k0num = bbb; for (int i=0, i<20, i++){ Rk0.k0Mass[i] = aaa; } BTree->Fill(); } closeRoot(); } void bookRoot(){ // Initialize ROOT rootFile = new TFile("output.root","recreate"); BTree = new TTree("BTree", "B->J/psi + K* + pi"); BTree->SetDirectory(rootFile); BTree->Branch("JPSI", &Rjpsi, "run/I:evt/I:psiMass/F:psiPx/F"); BTree->Branch("K0", &Rk0, "k0num/I:k0id[20]/I:k0Mass[20]/F"); } void closeRoot(){ // Close and output the root file rootFile->cd(); BTree->Write(); BTree->Print(); rootFile->Close(); cout << " End Close Root " << endl; }